Reading 9 Jim And Darryl Work Together

Huy Dang

Reading 9 Jim And Darryl Work Together
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    Jim and Darryl work together. They are coworkers. They both work as salespeople for a furniture company in Chicago.
    Their day begins at 9:30 in the morning, and it ends at six or seven in the evening. They like their company that they work for.
    but business isn't very good these days because of the economy.
    Jim is married and have two kids, he's worried that he's not making enough money right now to support his family.
    He's trying to save money for the future in cases he loses his job
    Darryl is single. He worries a little about his job, but he doesn't have the same kind of responsibilities that Jim has
    On the weekends, Darryl like to play golf and go out with his friends
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